Did That Hurt?!

“Beware of deals in parachutes, brain surgery and tattoos.”
January 30, 2008, 5:13 pm
Filed under: News, That's F#%d up

So, you hear a knock at your front door. Standing before you is a salesman holding a case, offering you a sweet deal on a tattoo. What do you do?

Do you laugh? No.

Do you shut the door? No.

Do you call the cops? No.

Health department? No.

Do you… get tattooed? HELL YEAH!

Uhm…. no. And wanna know why? Read this. 

Found online at http://www.kmbc.com/news/6447791/detail.html

 Woman With Tattoo From Homemade Gun Got Sick

The Tattoo in question

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — Some women in Springfield are regretting their decision last week to get a tattoo from a door-to-door tattoo salesman. At least one person had to be hospitalized and the others face serious health risks.

Friday night, a man knocked on doors holding a tattoo gun and offering his services. Tamra Eason described the tool as homemade, but still agreed to pay for a tattoo. So did two other women in her apartment complex.

“It was wrapped with black tape, had a pin underneath it, had fishing wire going through it, you could tell it was a homemade gun,” Eason said.

The next day, Linda Falls passed out and had to be hospitalized.

“I passed out in the store and they said I should have it checked out,” Falls said.

All the women have an infection in the tattoo area and have been told to get tested for HIV and hepatitis.

The health department said it’s always worth the extra money to get a tattoo from a licensed professional with the right equipment and sterilization procedures.

“Getting a tattoo is like a wound. There’s a risk of disease that may be long term or life threatening. It’s a serious decision,” said Jaci McReynalds, with the Greene County Health Department.

It is illegal in Missouri to give a tattoo without a license, so if several people file complaints with the state, the county prosecutor will pursue the case.

“Beware of deals in parachutes, brain surgery and tattoos,” said Miller Cotton, a tattoo parlor owner.

“We just wanted tattoos, and now we’re paying for it,” Eason said.

Google Maps Gone Wrong
January 30, 2008, 9:34 am
Filed under: Fun-Ness, Random, That's F#%d up, Video

It’s only scary because it’s true.

Google Maps Gone Wrong : YouTube

Michael Hussar
January 30, 2008, 1:37 am
Filed under: Art


Michael Hussar has to be one of my favorite artists. His oil paintings are amazing. The level of depth and detail are astounding. He was featured on an episode of LA Ink, but I won’t hold that against him. They featured him because he does beautiful work, just like all of the artists on the show.

Check out his site. You’ll appreciate it.

Warholizer: Turn digital photos of you and your friends into pop art!
January 29, 2008, 11:19 pm
Filed under: Flickr, Fun-Ness, Random

This was a neat little online tool that I stumbled across on my quest to find a Flickr slideshow. It takes any photo you submit and instantly posterizes it into a Warhol-like mosaic.

What makes it really cool is no two are alike. The program is designed to be completely random and I sat for 20 minutes hoping to see two that were identical, but I was happily denied that pleasure.

Of course, the program itself is strictly for online use, with the option to pay for hi-resolution files to turn into posters. It’s a small fee of only $3 for a 3 day pass

Warholizer: Turn digital photos of you and your friends into pop art!

BigHUGE Labs

January 29, 2008, 10:21 pm
Filed under: Photos, Piercings


Originally uploaded by fakingacoma

I absolutely love this photo. She was so cute, and for her to be smiling so much after a fresh septum piercing… wow.

ModBlog – Tattooed Necktie – Body modification and ritual blog sponsored by BMEzine.com
January 29, 2008, 9:28 pm
Filed under: ModBlog, Obessions, Photos


ModBlog – Tattooed Necktie – Body modification and ritual blog sponsored by BMEzine.com

Absolutely adorable.

Drunken Jesus
October 18, 2007, 10:16 pm
Filed under: Flickr, Fun-Ness, Personal, Photos

Originally uploaded by fakingacoma

The Son of God can’t hold his liquor for shit.

September 22, 2007, 10:09 pm
Filed under: Flickr, Obessions, Photos, Random


Originally uploaded by fakingacoma

For some reason, I’ve realized I have a minor obsession with flies. There is something completely captivating about them for me. All of those eyes, and being that tiny. I really would like to see what it would be like to be a fly on the wall.

Did That Hurt?!
May 22, 2007, 7:25 pm
Filed under: Fun-Ness, Personal, Photos, Random

National Geographic.com - A Mursi woman from the Omo Valley in southern Ethiopia is adorned with face markings and a lip plate, considered signs of beauty among the Mursi.For most of my life now, I’ve been fascinated by the things in life that make most people cringe. I would watch surgery on TV, and my eyes would fail to blink. I couldn’t turn away. When the channel would find its way to Discovery, I was lost for hours. I couldn’t quiet my questions enough to hear what the narrator was saying when the African tribespeople would cover the screen. They had carved bones and gold rings inserted into their skin, yet they were smiling! The raised patterns on the skin marked each person as belonging to the tribe. It was beautiful. They were all smiling. The screen would flash to one of the young women getting her lip stretched with a larger disc. The woman never budged. She just laid there and looked at the camera, smiling. Didn’t that hurt?!

Now, I work as a body piercer and am trying to learn as much as I can on pain, pain therapy,  pain relief, cause of pain, reasons for pain, psychology of pain, sadism, masochism, fear of pain, pain as a means of control, etc. The list could go on.

This is my online portfolio and blog. Photos with nudity, needles, body hair, and blood will be posted, as this is my life.

I’m drawn to it.
Let me help draw you in.

Comments Off on Did That Hurt?!

August 25, 2006, 10:26 pm
Filed under: Doodles, Flickr, Fun-Ness, Photos, Random
Yay for Wacom tablet doodles!
   ChAosOriginally uploaded by fakingacoma